Please see our article on how Fundriver is accommodating the ASU 2016-14 here.
* Clients with non-standard net asset classification set ups will not receive this automatic update.
Three reports will automatically be live in databases: Change in Endowment Net Assets, Endowment Net Asset Composition by Type of Fund, and Restriction Summary. These reports can be found in the REPORTS > ASU 2016-14 REPORTS folder.
The remaining three reports will need to be published before they will populate in the ASU 2016-14 reports suite (highlighted in yellow below): Detail - Change in Endowment Net Assets, Underwater Funds Report, and Underwater Spending Report.

The report fields are pre-populated, but feel free to add additional fields here if you'd like. Here you can either click NEXT at the bottom or the 3) Title Tab.

On the 3) Title tab, these options are all pre-populated as well. Just click PUBLISH.

Follow these steps to publish each report so that they appear in the ASU 2016-14 Reports folder.