6/18/19: Main Application Updates

Organize > Investment Portfolio > New Required Field > Liquidity

Added new Liquidity field.

Organize > Fund Categories > Net Asset Classification

Added Non-Pooled Column.

3 New Reports:

These reports will be visible to all Fundriver clients using the Investment Portfolio Module.

Other > Fees And Expenses Report

ASU 2016-14 Reports > Restriction Balances Report for ASU 2016-14

Portfolio Level Reports > Liquidity Report

Organize > Funds > Change Investment Pool

NEW Functionality! Users can now reassign Investment Pools for funds with no fund activity, investment pool units, or pooled market value.

Organize > Funds > Fund and Transaction History Export

Fundriver removed the 500 row limitation on these pages!

Organize > Funds > Delete Fund

NEW Functionality! Users can now delete funds with no transaction history and no endowment history.

Support / Settings > Department Users > Fund Administrator Maintenance

NEW Functionality! Clients using the Department Module can now reset fund Administrators in the Main Application.  Check out the new 'Fund Administrator Maintenance' tab!  Clients can choose to reset all fund Administrators with current Department OR set all funds that have missing Administrator with current Department. There is also a new report available to view 'current Administrator assignment by fund.'