Many Fundriver clients have two or more databases that they use to manage funds for their organization.  In order to allow your organization's Fundriver users to have access to multiple databases, the ASSIGN TO DATABASES feature for your organization needs to be turned on by Fundriver Support and the primary Client Administrator needs to be given access to all databases in question.

The ASSIGN TO DATABASES feature will only appear and be able to be utilized through your PRIMARY database.  The PRIMARY database can be used to manage all subsidiary database user access.

As a Client Administrator, if you log in and navigate to SUPPORT/SETTINGS > USERS and only see one tab (shown below), the ASSIGN TO DATABASES feature is not turned on for your organization.  Please submit a ticket to Fundriver Support to have it activated.

Once Fundriver Support has activated your ASSIGN TO DATABASES setting, you will see a new tab appear on your USERS screen.

The USERS drop down shows the names of all individuals who have access to the same databases as the Client Administrator (blacked out below to protect client data).

To assign a user to a new/additional database, select the user's name and chooses the new database from the CLIENTS drop down.

Assign a USER TYPE.

After the assignment is saved, it will appear in the CURRENT ASSIGNMENTS grid, along with any other databases that user can access.

The Client Administrator will need to repeat this process for any users they would like to have access to multiple databases.