When entering transactions via ACTIVITY > TRANSACTION ENTRY, users have the ability to copy their transactions right into Fundriver using the "Copy From Excel" function.
To do so, choose your TRANSACTION TYPE from the drop down. Note that the Post Date for these transactions will default to your current posting period.
On your spreadsheet to be copied, copy the GLID, AMOUNT and NOTE by clicking CTRL + C or right click your mouse and select copy.
In Fundriver, click on the PASTE button. A pop up box will appear telling you to CTRL + V to paste. DO NOT CANCEL THIS POP UP.
As prompted, click CTRL + V. The columns you copied from your spreadsheet should appear in the grid. Once you see your data in the grid, click on the PROCESS BUTTON.
If you need to edit or delete any of the transactions prior to processing, you may do so by pressing the EDIT and DELETE buttons to the left of each row.