Release date: January 9 , 2021.

Summary: This deployment includes enhancements to the Multi-Factor Authentication and Bulk Import Template.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Updates

Our Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) process has changed as of January 9, 2021. Fundriver will now require every user to go through the MFA process once a day. Why the change? Fundriver is always looking out for our clients.  Our team wants to make sure your data is kept as secure as possible. We want to ensure that we can verify it is really you logging into our website. Users will be required to provide a temporary code the first time they login to Fundriver each day, or if they change computers or browsers. 

*If your organization utilizes our Single Sign On setup, please disregard this update*

To login to Fundriver please follow these three easy steps:

1. Enter your username and password. Select Login:

2. Next, you will be asked how you would like to receive a security code. Select either by email or via a text message. Depending on which method you select, you will need to validate your email or the last four digits of your phone number. Once validation is entered, select Get code:

If you choose email, please only enter the prefix of your email address in the verify box (up to but not including the @)

3. Once a code is received enter on the screen below and select Continue:

Users have five attempts to enter a correct code before being locked out. If locked out, please contact your Administrator at your organization.  

Bulk Import Template

Four additional fields are now available to be updated using the bulk import template. They are:

  1. Secondary Spending Rule
  2. Income Acct (found in the Distribution Account section of the Fund Profile)
  3. Gain Acct (found in the Distribution Account section of the Fund Profile)
  4. Invest Acct (found in the Distribution Account section of the Fund Profile)

These additional columns are located in columns X - AA on the bulk import template. For additional guidance on Bulk Import, please see THIS article.

Fundriver location: Organize --> Bulk Import --> Download Template