Release Date: November 9, 2021
Summary: This deployment includes updates to Estimated Spending Reports and Estimated Spending UDR Data Sources.
Reports > Spending > Estimated Spending Reports > Additional Flag
We added a new flag “Fixed distribution rule does not match estimated spending calculation" to notify clients when a fixed spend amount is greater than the calculated spend amount.
Reports > Spending > Estimated Spending Report (with Column Grouping and Drill Down)
Updated label that previously read “Total Pool distribution Amount” when % average of the fund was selected rule. Removed “Pool” from label.
User Defined Reports > Estimated Spending Report Data Source Additions
We have added the following fields to the Estimated Spending Report Data Source:
- Units as of post date selected when report is generated
- Average MV as of allocation date in the spending rule setup (will only populate for clients with Percent Average V1 and V2 spending rules)
- Spending Bucket Balance – as of post date selected when the report is generated
- Reinvest Type - This field shows whether the threshold looks at Historical Gift (default) or Market Value before allowing the fund to distribute