Release Date: February 8, 2023
NEW Fund Statement & Depreciation of Standard Donor ReportsIf you have custom donor reports in your Balance database, fear not, those will continue to function as they always have. This deployment removed the Standard Donor Reports for all customers that have not been run at all or since 2020.
In addition, this deployment will be adding a NEW Fund Statement report to the Summary folder for all of our customers.

Net Asset Classification Error CorrectionCustomers were getting an error message when trying to update a New Asset Classification to one that does not already exist. This is because the code is checking for duplicates and sends an error message when the net asset classification already exists in the table. Updated the code to do this for INSERTS, and only on UPDATES that are updating a category to one that already exists in the table.
If you have custom donor reports in your Balance database, fear not, those will continue to function as they always have. This deployment removed the Standard Donor Reports for all customers that have not been run at all or since 2020.
In addition, this deployment will be adding a NEW Fund Statement report to the Summary folder for all of our customers.
Customers were getting an error message when trying to update a New Asset Classification to one that does not already exist. This is because the code is checking for duplicates and sends an error message when the net asset classification already exists in the table. Updated the code to do this for INSERTS, and only on UPDATES that are updating a category to one that already exists in the table.