Use the Standard Manager Investment Activity Import Template to record investment activity by individual managers in each period (i.e. monthly, quarter). The template allows a bulk upload of manager activity instead of keying in entries one manager at a time. This feature is only available to those clients that subscribe to the Investment Portfolio Module and enter investment activity by manager vs. by investment pool.
Populate the template as shown below. Manager GLID and Ending Market Value are required fields for every manager, regardless if activity occurred within the period.

To import the file into Fundriver, navigate to ACTIVITY > TRANSACTION ENTRY > GL IMPORT.
Please Note: All numerical data must be hard coded in cells, no formulas.

To import the file into Fundriver, navigate to ACTIVITY > TRANSACTION ENTRY > GL IMPORT.
Any records that are corrupt or have no matching MGLID number in Fundriver will be pending and will not commit to the database. Those pending records will be visible in the “GL Import” grid until either deleted or corrected.
If a manager needs to be set up, follow the instructions in the Fundriver Knowledge Base under General Software Use "How do I add a new investment manager to a pool?" Once the new manager has been set up, go back to ACTIVITY > TRANSACTION ENTRY. Select the GL IMPORT, and select the import from the IMPORT TYPE drop down box that was previously used. The pending record(s) will still be in the grid. Select the REPROCESS button to commit the record(s) to the database.
To see common scenarios of investment transactions and how to record on the manager investment activity template view the article How to Enter Manager Investment Activity on the Import Template.