Note: Bulk import allows clients to perform mass imports of fund profile changes or additions with the assumption that the user has completed an internal check on the file.
To access the module, click on Organize > Bulk Import. If you subscribe to our Expendable Funds Module you will have two Fund Type options within the drop-down:

Steps to Populate Bulk Import Template
1. Download the Template
It is important to use the template found in your database by clicking the button "Download Template." The template has a header row with column names that map to your organization's individual fields within the Fund Profile. Do not relabel or rearrange the header row. If you are updating your endowed funds, select the Fund Type of Endowed Fund. If you subscribe to our Expendable Funds Module and would like to update your expendable funds, choose Expendable Fund in the Fund Type drop down prior to selecting Download Template.
2. Adding New Funds
You can add/setup brand new funds with the bulk import template. Columns A - H on the bulk import template are required to be populated. Your organization may have renamed the below required fields:
- GLID (column A)
- Name (column B)
- Investment Pool (column C)
- Net Asset Class (column D)
- Campuses (column E)
- Department (column F)
- Purpose/Use (column G)
- Primary Spending Rule (column H)
When populating the import template, fund categories must match existing categories. You can not add new categories via bulk import. To add new categories, see this article.
Note: If your database isn't currently using a required field, 'None' must be populated in those fields in order for the bulk import template to upload.
Below is an example template populated for NEW funds:
3. Updating Existing Funds
The GLID field needs to be populated when updating a fund. The investment pool should NOT be populated since this field CANNOT be edited. Any field that is BLANK for a fund, will not get updated.
There is an option to clear out data within a NON-required field. This will replace any value with a blank. For example, if you no longer need the Auxiliary ID populated for all existing funds; you can populate all funds with "NULL" in the Auxiliary ID column. This will clear out any data for the funds imported.
Note: GLID cannot be updated via the Bulk Import template. GLIDs can be updated one at a time on the Fund Profile screen. If you need to update multiple GLIDs contact support: [email protected]
Below are two example templates populated for EXISTING funds:
4. Uploading the File and Committing Changes
When your template is complete, save locally and use the Browse button to select this file to be uploaded. Once the file has been selected, click on Upload to bring that file into Fundriver. Your changes will appear in a view only table. The additions and/or changes from the uploaded file, will be processed when you select the COMMIT button.
Error Messages: How to Find and Fix them
Fundriver's Bulk Import tool does a 2-step validation process. The first looks at issues in the data (text in a numeric field, number in a date field, etc). Once these errors are corrected on the file, the system will then proceed to the business rule validations (does the Department exist in Fund Category for example).
To navigate to the error message, scroll to the right using the scroll bar under the records table. The Error Column will provide a brief description of the error for the corresponding field(s), example below. If you have a large file you are importing, sort by the "Errors" column to bring all errors to the top of the page for easy viewing.
The user will have to fix these errors and upload the file again. You may need to add new Fund Categories within Fundriver or make corrections on your file before proceeding. The Bulk Import commits only when all records have No Errors, as it is committing the file in whole.