There are several options for adding gifts and other transactions to the Fundriver system. You can add each gift individually, copy and paste a list of gifts from Excel, or import a gift list using the Standard Transaction Import file. This user guide explains how to add gifts and other transactions using the Copy from Excel feature.
1. Navigate to ACTIVITY > TRANSACTION ENTRY > Click on the COPY FROM EXCEL tab and choose your TRANSACTION TYPE.

4. A pop up box will appear. Do not click CANCEL or you will not be able to complete the paste. Click Ctrl + V. The columns you copied from your spreadsheet should appear in the grid.

The Post Date will default to your current posting period. In order to add gifts to a prior posting period, you must first re-open that period by navigating to ACTIVITY > REOPEN PERIOD.
2. From your spreadsheet, copy the GLID, Amount, and Note. Make sure to only copy the data fields and not the column headers. Notes can contain a donor name (if you are adding gifts) or any other transaction-related information that might be helpful to have in Fundriver.

3. Click on the PASTE button.

4. A pop up box will appear. Do not click CANCEL or you will not be able to complete the paste. Click Ctrl + V. The columns you copied from your spreadsheet should appear in the grid.
4.1. If you receive the message below, click ALLOW ACCESS.

5. Once you see your data in the grid, click on the PROCESS BUTTON.

If you need to edit or delete any of the transactions prior to processing, you may do so by pressing the EDIT and DELETE buttons to the left of each row.
5.1. If you have transactions for funds that weren't previously added to Fundriver, the following message will appear.

6. Once new funds are added to Fundriver, return to the COPY FROM EXCEL tab and PROCESS the remaining records.
To learn how to add a new fund, please refer to the "How do I add a fund?" article in the Fundriver Knowledge Base.