Q1 2020
Summary: This deployment includes technical escalation enhancements to the User Interface (UI), many of which were based on client feedback!
Renamed Edit Transactions sub-header to View/Edit Transactions
Renamed Non-Pooled Funds to Expendable Funds
Expandable Fund Reports were also updated for this name change as well, i.e.. Expendable Fund Activity Report with Drill Down; headers now show Expendable Funds as opposed to NPF.
Renamed Document Categories sub-header to Doc/Note Categories
Bulk Import page now allows all users to see standard bulk import files previously uploaded (since inception).
Fundriver location: Organize > Bulk Import > File Maintenance Tab
Business Office Notes field on the fund profile screen now allows for character and symbols to be added. Example, Annual draw allowed if FMV < HGV, per donor’s addendum 1/16/19.
Fundriver location: Organize > Funds > Fund Profile Tab
Fixed processing window when saving clients that have Distributions impacting Unit Price (Note: Only applicable for clients on the new spending interface). Previously the below screen would sit and spin when trying to save without checking Auto Reinvestments for Spending Thresholds not met box.
Fundriver location: Organize > Spending Rules (only applicable for clients that have distributions impacting unit price, standard setup is to impact units).
A FASB Restriction cannot be assigned to standard due to/from fund types (Fundriver internal fund type code of DT).
A FASB Restriction CAN be assigned to due to/from funds that have a Fundriver fund type of DTT, DTP and DTU. For an explanation on Fundriver Fund Type Codes, please see this article: Net Asset Classification Codes.
Fundriver location: Organize > Fund Categories > Select Net Asset Classification from Category drop down > Edit Net Asset Classification to select FASB Restriction
When viewing transactions in the newly renamed View/Edit Transactions screen, user can only sort transactions by the 5 columns highlighted below;
Fundriver location: Activity > View/Edit Transactions
Email Helper: For the Department Module, the password reset token now works correctly for regular users and Single Sign-On Users, regardless of whether the username (example: first and last name) includes characters or integer data (example: a user ID).
Expenses are now a filter option under Transaction Types when viewing Transaction History on a fund. To see how ALL Fundriver transactions map to these five transaction categories, see this article: Transaction Categories Defined
Fundriver location: Organize > Funds > Transaction History Tab.
A transfer column has been added to the Fund History page for Expendable Funds (previously known as Non Pooled Funds).
Fundriver location: Organize > Expendable Funds > Fund History tab
Fundriver Support now uses FreshDesk! Blue Support button in Fundriver interface now redirects emails to FreshDesk platform. The Fundriver home page also links outstanding Support Tickets from FreshDesk to Fundriver.
For users that are assigned to multiple Fundriver databases, a user can no longer be removed from the last and only database. The Edit Command field will be not applicable, as a user needs to be assigned to at least one database.
Fundriver location: Support/Settings > Users > Assign Database Tab
Funds Audit Log Page: Increased transparency on displaying fund changes to User
Fundriver location: Organize > Funds > Audit History Tab
Fundriver is now able to offer GL exports via FTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) for all clients.
Fundriver location: Activity > GL Export, if desired a FTP button can be added
User-Defined Report- Fix Show/Hide Activity:
When selecting True or False for hide zero activity, report column should be completely hidden when box is checked if there are no values for any GLID.
Fundriver location: Report > User-Defined Report > 2) Fields > Hide Zero Activity check box on edited line: