Welcome to Fundriver! Below we have compiled a list of resources to new users get acquainted with the software and feel confident using Fundriver Balance.
Fundriver Balance University
Fundriver University- A Self Guided Video Series
Monthly Webinars
We host monthly new user webinars, join our next session!
Support Overview and Additional Services
How Do I Add a User In Fundriver?
Fundriver's Glossary of Commonly Used Terms and Expressions
Relationship Between Funds, Managers, Pools, and Endowments
How Do I Add Fund Category (Populate Fund Profile Drop Downs)
How Do I Attach Documentation to a Fund?
Transactions and Posting
Checklist for Posting Transactions and Investment Activity
How Do I Enter Transaction Activity in Fundriver?
How Do I Edit or Delete Transactions in Fundriver?
How Do I Post and Reconcile by Pool?
Overview: Using Due To/Due From in Fundriver
How Do I Reopen a Period?
If you have the Investment Portfolio module:
How Do I Post and Reconcile Investment Activity with the Investment Portfolio Module
How Do I Add a New Investment Manager to a Pool?
How Do I Set Up a Spending Rule? (New Spending Interface)
How Do I Create Income/Spending Distributions? (New Spending Interface)